Client Testimonies
"They are accommodating, informative, and make you feel so seen/ loved and safe. I appreciate their desire and drive to make a way to meet clients where they are and the urgency they place on meeting our needs. There are so many resources provided that make you feel you have a community with you through your pregnancy"

"The Pregnancy Help Center spent time with me and explained all of my options. They gave me detailed information and support. I never felt judged or pressured; I just felt cared for. I accepted their offer for a free sonogram. It was so surreal to see my baby for the first time and it was also very emotional. I saw his hands, feet, arms, legs, face, and his little heart beating. It was just so amazing! After seeing the sonogram, I realized that I actually had a baby growing inside of me!"
- Angeline
"The only reason I came to the Pregnancy Center was for a sonogram. I wanted to know how far along I was so I could find out where I needed to travel to get an abortion, but that all changed once I got to your center. I was met with such love, compassion, and care that I was not expecting! On top of that, I was able to see my daughter for the first time on the ultrasound. After hearing her heartbeat, I knew I was going to have my baby! It breaks my heart to think I was so close to ending my daughter's life. Thank you for helping me find hope on a day when I felt so hopeless!"
- Mia

"Nine years ago, I went to the Pregnancy Help Center as a scared 17-year-old girl. I don’t remember who was there or what they said to me, but I do remember feeling like I could handle whatever was to come with their support. I heard my daughter’s heartbeat for the first time and got my first ultrasound a few weeks later at a follow-up appointment; they helped me feel genuinely excited for the next unexpected chapter in my life. She is 8 years old now and an incredible human being!"
- Allison
"This place was absolutely amazing. I was feeling what felt like a thousand emotions all at once and the nurse calmed me down and helped me to feel like I could do this. They never once judged me. They kept my son’s due date on file and called around that time. I had him 5 weeks early, so when I got the call it was quite a surprise! Today I have a sweet, vibrant baby boy and I thank the people at the Pregnancy Help Center for their kindness, respect, and compassion."
- Gabrielle